SIAA High School

Summer Live

College Coaches Can Come Back Out and We’re Ready!!!!!!

The top event in the U.S. for Non NFHS High School teams.

“SIAA has the best players, the best competition, the best teams….. And we’re inviting select NON NFHS Teams around the country to join us!”

SIAA Summer Live Showcase Schedule


2441 Bellevue Ave Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Don't be late. Check the schedules below.

Registration Information

⦁ Only players enrolled in “TEAM A” school may play with “Team A” during this event

⦁ Spectators are welcome, entry is $25 per guest for the weekend pass.

⦁ We anticipate over 100 college coaches in attendance (D1, D2, D3, NAIA, Juco)

⦁ Compete against some of the best teams in the country with exposure to college coaches from throughout the U.S.

⦁ D1 coaches in attendance during this live period.

⦁ Teams will need to bring their own uniforms and equipment (balls will be provided at the event).

For questions please contact by email

SIAA Summer Live Showcase Scoreboards

Don't miss a thing. Check All Scores Below.

COVID 19 Guidelines for the SIAA HS Summer Live Showcase

⦁ All Event Support Staff will be wearing masks throughout check-in.

⦁ Ample room to provide distance seating on team benches.

⦁ There will be designated staff members wiping down/disinfecting facility and equipment with EPA approved cleaning product throughout the day.

⦁ Hand Sanitizers will be stationed throughout facility.

⦁ Masks will be required to be worn by everyone when not involved in game play.

⦁ Certified trainer will be in attendance the entire day.

⦁ We will be taking temperature of everyone that walks into facility.

⦁ Signs & Symptoms of COVID 19 will be posted on entrance doors.

⦁ Walkways will be separated and designated for exits and entrances.

⦁ Restrooms will be monitored and cleaned regularly throughout the day.

⦁ Any further suggestions provided by the CDC prior to the event will be considered.

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